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首頁新聞中心 Wi2Wi推出新的VO5系列LC VCO產(chǎn)品VC0525000XCBB3RX

Wi2Wi推出新的VO5系列LC VCO產(chǎn)品VC0525000XCBB3RX

來源:http://konuaer.com 作者:康華爾電子 2024年04月22
Wi2Wi推出新的VO5系列LC VCO產(chǎn)品VC0525000XCBB3RX
“我們對LC VCO的新VO5系列貼片晶振的發(fā)布感到興奮。該公司正在根據(jù)航空電子、航天和國防領域的行業(yè)領導者的要求,積極向他們提供這些定制性能產(chǎn)品的樣品。該公司已經(jīng)從航空電子市場上一家領先的系統(tǒng)制造商那里收到了定制LC VCO的采購訂單,并正在成功地向他們交付生產(chǎn)訂單。”董事會主席邁克爾·索南里奇說。
“Wi2Wi晶振廠家繼續(xù)根據(jù)客戶需求開發(fā)新產(chǎn)品,并確保我們生產(chǎn)的每個類別的產(chǎn)品種類齊全。新的VO5系列LC VCO可以根據(jù)客戶的獨特性能要求進行定制,并且可以集成到他們的終端系統(tǒng)中,而無需任何額外的R&D支出。我們祝賀工程副總裁Barry Arneson和他的R&D團隊定制了一款LC VCO,超出了我們一家重要客戶的特定性能要求,并使該公司成功完成了新的生產(chǎn)訂單。”Wi2Wi總裁兼首席執(zhí)行官Zachariah Mathews表示。
VO5系列振蕩器是電感電容壓控振蕩器系列(LC VCO),專為需要對中心頻率進行精密電壓變頻調(diào)諧的應用而設計。VO5系列石英晶振在相位噪聲、諧波和線性度方面具有業(yè)界最佳性能,是眾多低噪聲PLL應用的絕佳選擇。VO5系列可根據(jù)每個客戶的獨特要求進行定制。VO5系列有源晶振提供從3.0V到15.0V的各種電源電壓和從50兆赫到1.5千兆赫的頻率。VO5系列采用行業(yè)標準0.50英寸x0.50英寸制造,是所有現(xiàn)有插座的外形、配件和功能替代品。
Wi2Wi是一家專業(yè)的電子元件供應商,在頻率控制設備和無線技術的各個方面都有專長。Wi2Wi的Precision Devices品牌產(chǎn)品在眾多關鍵市場贏得了領先地位,包括航空電子、航空航天、工業(yè)設備、政府和美國軍事應用。具體來說,我們的頻率控制產(chǎn)品以及RF和微波濾波器都是同類最佳、質(zhì)量最高的產(chǎn)品。
Wi2Wi推出新的VO5系列LC VCO產(chǎn)品VC0525000XCBB3RX

Wi2Wi Corporation ("Wi2Wi" or the "Company"), a leading global developer and manufacturer of end to end Wireless Connectivity Solutions, high precision Frequency Control, Timing, and Microwave Filter devices, is pleased to announce the VO5 series of Inductance-Capacitance Voltage-Controlled Oscillators (LCVCO), a further promising extension of its product portfolio.
“We are excited about the release of the new VO5 series of LC VCO. The Company is actively sampling these custom performance products to the industry leaders in avionics, space and defense based up on their request. The Company has already received purchase orders for a custom LC VCO from one of the leading system manufacturers in the avionics markets and is successfully delivering production orders to them.” said Michael Sonnenreich, Chairman of the Board.
“Wi2Wi continues to focus extensively on developing new products based upon client demand and assures a full line of products in each category we produce. The new VO5 series of LC VCO can be customized based upon the unique performance requirements of our clients and can be integrated into their end systems without any extra R&D spending. We congratulate Barry Arneson, Vice President of Engineering and his R&D team for customizing a LC VCO that exceeds the specific performance requirements from one of our key customers and allows the Company successfully fulfil the new production orders.” said Zachariah Mathews, President and CEO of Wi2Wi.
Wi2Wi is a specialized electronic component supplier with expertise in all aspects of frequency control devices as well as in wireless technologies. Wi2Wi’s Precision Devices brand of products has earned a premier spot in numerous key markets including avionics, aerospace, industrial equipment, government and the US military applications. Specifically, our frequency control products, as well as our RF and microwave filters are best-in-class and of the highest quality.
Type/ Series Image Output Frequency Range Dimensions
TV02 Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.8mm
TV03 Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 3.2 x 2.5 x 1.0mm
TV05 TTL/CMOS LVCMOS Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.5mm
TV07 TTL/CMOS LVCMOS Clipped Sine 8MHz to 52MHz 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.3mm
TC02 Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 2.5 x 2.0 x .9mm
TC03 Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 3.2 x 2.5 x 1.0mm
TC05 TTL/CMOS LVCMOS Clipped Sine 10MHz to 52MHz 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.5mm
TC07 TTL/CMOS LVCMOS Clipped Sine 8.0.MHz to 52.0MHz 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.3mm
TLT3 CMOS 32.768KHz 3.28 x 2.50 x 1.30mm
VC05 HCMOS TTL 1.0MHz to 125.0MHz 5.0mm x 3.2mm
VC07 HCMOS TTL 10MHz to 250MHz 5.0 x 7.0mm
VC29 HCMOS PECL TTL 4.0MHz to 100.0Mhz 14.0 x 9.6 x 6.4mm
VC40 LVDS LVPECL 60.0MHz to 800.0MHz 14.0 x 9.6 x 6.4mm



驗證: 驗證碼


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